Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ can be extremely helpful in your non-profit’s efforts to raise money online. Today, let’s take a look at the five keys to …
I work with a lot of non-profits each year, and here’s how many of them could summarize their online fundraising efforts: Step 1: Set up website. Step 2: Ask web …
Now, more than ever, non-profit organizations need to use every tool at their disposal to raise the money they need to grow and thrive. One of the newest and least …
When it comes to non-profits and social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, there really are two wildly varying extremes: On the one extreme, you have non-profits who think …
Of all the innovative advances in online fundraising over the past decade, one of the most impressive has to be the rise of crowd-funding websites. Some of these sites, like …
Recently, I’ve had a number of conversations with non-profit Executive Directors and board members all asking me the same questions: How do we figure out a social media strategy for …
Guest Post by David G. Siedt Traditional raffles consisting of tickets sold and pulled out of a hat are quite common, and in many cases quite successful. However, your organization …
While most non-profits realize the benefits of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, far fewer organizations fully realize the inherent power of LinkedIn. As one of the original social networking platforms geared …
Guest post by Rich Aberman, Founder of WePay. Despite the economic downturn and obvious fiscal implications, nearly 90% of Americans planned to donate to charity last holiday season. While the …
Raising money online is nothing new. While many non-profits may not be doing it right, almost all organizations know that it is something they should be trying to do. E-mail fundraising, …
Guest Post by: Deborah de Castro In today’s economic environment, it is easy to understand why many donors have had to cut back on their giving. The instability in the …
While online fundraising is a necessity for non-profit organizations of all sizes, many groups that have enthusiastically embraced social media to build awareness and community are wary of raising money through e-mail. …