Fundraising Authority Podcast #14: How to Fundraise with Businesses for Mutual Benefit

On this episode of The Fundraising Authority Podcast, we’re joined by the expert on fundraising with businesses and cause marketing, Joe Waters.

If you think that fundraising with businesses is limited to seeking event sponsorships or perhaps a corporate grant, think again. In this info-packed episode, Joe Waters teaches us all about how to partner with businesses to raise far more money than a simple yearly donation, and how to grow relationships with companies that stand the test of time.

You can learn more about fundraising with businesses and cause marketing at Joe’s blog Selfish Giving, as well as on his outstanding Pinterest page. You can also follow Joe on Twitter and be sure to check out his newest book, Fundraising with Businesses: 40 New and Improved Strategies for Non-Profits.

Note that The Fundraising Authority Podcast is also available on iTunes. To subscribe or listen via iTunes, click here.