Thank you for signing up for How to Run a Successful Viral Fundraising Campaign for Your Non-Profit. You are now officially registered.

The webinar log-in links and all materials will be sent directly to you via e-mail, through the e-mail address you used during the sign-up process. The log-in links will be sent next week.

If you would like us to send the course materials to a different e-mail address, please me the correct e-mail address at

Mark Your Calendar!

The live one hour webinar will be held on Thursday, May 2nd from 1-2 PM Eastern Time (10 – 11 AM Pacific).

If you can’t make it for the live webinar, don’t worry! Everyone who registers will receive a complete copy of the recorded webinar to watch at your leisure and/or share with your colleagues. You don’t need to be present for the live webinar to participate in this great training opportunity.

I’m looking forward to working with you! If you have any questions, please click here to send me an e-mail.

Thanks again!

-Joe Garecht
Founder, The Fundraising Authority